Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inner attitudes

Scripture points out that anger (as in temper, not righteous anger), pride, jealousy, fear, & conceit are dangerous responses that will destroy. How do we explain to God our actions when we are less than humble, less than gracious, afraid of what people will think if we don't have material things or the very best job, do & say mean little things to hurt others, or are immature about another's blessings. Corinthians tells us these are not the things of a Godly love.
How do we handle what God has given us? Our money, our time, our loved ones, our health, etc.? Do we appreciate them and protect them? Do we reflect Christ? If we allow the enemy to craft our actions we will reap what we sow. Likewise, if we act as Christ, we also reap what we sow. The true follower of Christ reflects Christ in love, grace, humility, kindness, & the power of the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the spirit should be evident in our lives every day. The unrepentant & unregenerate heart is not a reflection of Godliness. We must not lose sight of what being a Christian actually means in everyday life.

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