Thursday, January 31, 2013

With hope & integrity

Well...working through the holidays seeems to have delayed any blog postings but I recently heard a good sermon & wanted to share some thoughts from it.  The sermon followed some of Ps. 13 if you care to read that.  We live in a world where we are taught that if it feels good we can, & even should, do it.  Although many of us believe this to be wrong & ill advised there are those who follow this mentality & even promote it.   Whatever our emotions will kick into action is based on our beliefs & this can be very bad as we sometimes find out.  One of these beliefs is often that God is not answering our prayers fast enough so we give up.  Bad decsion!

These bad decsions may lead to losing all hope or to place our hope in something entirely wrong.  Rather than doing this the wise choice would be to continue to ask God for answers & realize that our only solid hope is in God...because of who he is & what we have seen him do!  God allows nothing without reason...the scriptures tell us this.  This truth struck a chord with me as I have been dealing with a great bit of unasked for immobility of late due to some undiagnosed pain.  So, as our hearts & minds bounce around during times of uncertainty we must realize ...sometimes the current answer is to simply dwell in our condition... with integrity & hope, realizing God is indeed at work & will use the obedient believer.  Paul in prison did just that & God set  him free.

There are more answers than yes & no from God...there is maybe, and there is later.  Before we impulsively decide to take matters into our own hands we do well to talk to the Lord about that.  It is in our waiting often that we develop our character to be more like God, & less like the world.  Even if we see no answer it is coming-we just have to be ready to accept it in the same manner we waited...with integrity & hope.  Noah did just that!  I doubt if he wanted to spend all that time in a boat with stinky animals, or laboring to build it for that matter!  God rewarded his obedience nevertheless.