Friday, November 19, 2010


Have you ever thought about the fact that happiness & joy are two very different things. The Word says, "The joy of the Lord is my strength". What exactly does this mean & how is it different from happiness? I believe that material things make us happy, but Godly things give us joy! Examples of things that bring us happiness are new cars, new TVs, going to fun places, watching or doing fun things, etc. Things that bring joy are helping others, worshipping God, sacrificing ourselves for others in some way, reading the Word's uplifting messages, etc. See the difference. Think about a time you got a new "toy" & a time you gladly gave of yourself/your time/your finances for someone in need (however small). I am guessing if you are a believer that sacrifice made you feel much better for much longer than the new toy that may even sit idle & was not worth the money invested. Toys are OK, but sacrifice is better. Obedience trumps sacrifice! Why? Because IF we obey, we WILL sacrifice.

How strong do you want to be? If "the joy of the Lord is my strength" I submit to you that the more Godly things you have in your life-the stronger you will be! Godly thoughts, actions, and words will make us as strong as steel in the face of the enemy who will tempt, persuade, and derail us! If we submerse ourselves in worldly things, beliefs, and behaviors we will be as weak as a well cooked noodle in the face of adversity! That is scary. Our "house"-our temple of the HS must be built on solid ground ("On this the solid rock I stand") and must be crafted with the finest materials of holiness (the fruits of the HS). Think how much more peace there would be if more kindness & self-control were exhibited in the world. We CAN change the world for Christ, and be full of joy in the process. Or, we can skip through life gleefully counting our money, buying our toys, and taking part in self indulgent activities that serve no purpose except to gratify our human desires.

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