Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let Christ decorate your life.

Our heart is often like the undecorated tree or the empty stable. It is barren, awaiting the glories of God to come and reside there. Do we reach for the both delicate and sturdy beauties of God? Do we hang them upon the branches of our lives? Is the crowning touch of our life the guiding star of the living Christ? Do we fill our lives with the gifts of God, the wisdom of his servants and followers? Is there awe in our hearts and minds at the wonder of the Christ all year long? As you remove the decorations from the tree and as you take down the stable this year you might ponder these thoughts. What do these items represent to you, beyond the excitement of the Christmas season? What deeper meaning might there be as you remove an ornament from an old friend, one of your children, or a grandchild? What thoughts are there as you pick up a shepherd to place him in his box for the rest of the year? We might pause to reflect as we remove the baby to storage, but how often do we wonder about the importance of the animals presence? How can our lives hold the beauty of the decorated tree? How can our lives reflect the immense miracle of Christmas?

When the non-believer's challenge the reason for the season, remember that the miraculous Christ has offended the non-believer for over 2000 years. The fact that we believe is the essence of faith and the enemy of our souls will always challenge that. Rejoice that you stand for truth, whether or not it is believed.

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