Friday, August 14, 2009

A rending...

Has there been spiritual conflict in your heart? Does it seem that you are torn between this and that service, or here and there to serve? Are you conflicted about this interpretation or that opinion? Have the circumstances of your life tested your very sanity? The curtain in the temple was rent when the greatest lasting change took place on the earth. Luke 23:45. This removed the barrier to the Holy of Holies so man could enter in without the High Priest. Perhaps the rending of your heart is to remove a barrier between you and God? We tend to push ourselves in various directions, and we tend to push each other down many paths, but Jesus wishes to lead us down his path for us. If there is conflict in your spirit it may be there for a reason. Be still, and listen for his voice. Ask for discernment and peace. God allows things for a reason, and if there is a rending in your spirit God may be bringing about change, and you will then know (even if you do not see it) the path to follow. Look at Jesus' parable in Lk.5:36 Sometimes the rending in our spirit is because the old and the new in our life are not matching up...that is when change comes about. God may want to take us to a higher level, to a deeper conviction, or perhaps to a whole new place in our love relationship with him. It is times like this often when a scripture we never saw clearly or understood before becomes so apparent, so look up the topic of your conflict in his word. He may show you a new thing that will bless you immensely. Never miss an opportunity to grow in God. Never resist the work of his spirit in you. Just embrace the work and growth and run with God, for he will never leave you or forsake you. You are his servant and he desires to bless your heart and out of that blessing he will in turn bless others through you. Don't try to make the things of God happen, but rather allow them to happen. Don't despise the conflict in your heart, but rather ask God to change you. This is the reality of sanctification. Therein lies the shaping of the servant's heart.

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