Sunday, May 2, 2010

Imprint on a child's life

Lately the Lord has been speaking to me about the imprint various things make on the life of a child. Thinking about the fact that the mind of a child is not fully developed at least until about age 18, what sort of impression do things like pornography, sexual immorality, warring parents, anti-God sentiments, racism, violence in the things they read & watch, drunkenness in the home, drug addiction of friends, and the list goes on....what sort of imprint is made on the mind of youth? It makes a lasting mark on that child's may be a mark that says such things are OK or even good for you-it may be a mark of fear that brings timidity and an inability to believe that God loves them without may craft a young mind that is in turmoil and confusion.
Conversely, what sort of mark is made by watching parents worship, pray, & believe God for victory in all circumstances? Does a child who witnesses the embracing of all races in love, people who deal fairly and with conviction of morality, and peace in the home and relationships grow up to be balanced and a servant of God with purpose in life? How can we be "confident of this very thing that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion"? We train our children in the home, but we must also take them where they can worship the Lord at a very young age, we most assuredly must monitor the affect the public school system has on their fragile & forming minds, we must be aware of the stance our government takes with regard to the things of life and God, and we must carefully watch the things they see, hear, and do with regard to TV, the Internet, and gaming. It is our responsibility to guide them in who they form relationships with and hang out with.
I recently heard someone say what I have believed for years, and have found to fall on deaf ears for the most part. Our children need to be with us in church, watching us relate to God in worship & prayer & responding to the Holy Spirit's conviction. There IS a place for kid's church, but it has become a spiritual babysitting service in many churches where the parent drops them off and worships with the "grown-ups" leaving the child to listen to Bible stories and never see Mom & Dad in communion with God. Some places release children after worship until a certain age, which I believe is the correct approach. Sermons they are not ready for aren't appropriate certainly. I would encourage parents to keep their children with them until that point. Jesus said we are to come to him as a child, and it is that innocent child's heart that responds to Christ easiest. It is an awesome thing to have your child come to Christ at your side, not off in some classroom somewhere. I would submit that it is the more appropriate place.
Bless you as you parent, grandparent, and teach young parents to follow the will of God in the lives of their children. It has been said that it takes the entire church to parent a child, so pray for the children in your church, that they grow in Christ, not in worldly ways.

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